All results in one website ! ! ! ! !

Tamilnadu results site publishes all state boards,matriculation,Anglo-Indian,CBSC,ICSC both 12th results and 10th results and all university results as much as quickly.We give,,, for 10th results and 12th for 12th and 10th supplementary results.we give annamalai university dde results 2016,ignou b.ed results,tnteu results, tndte results,madras university results( unom results),anna university results,bharathiar university results,periyar university results, thiruvalluvar university results,bharathidasan university results,alagappa university results, mgr university results,tnou results,tamil university results,tndalu results,mku results,tntet results,pg trb results,tnpsc group 4 results,tnpsc group 2 results,tnpsc group 1 results,mbbs results,tnusrb results,ctet results,all university b.ed entrance results,schools9 results, south india results, squarebrothers results,webdunia results,vao results,lab assistant selection results,AEEO seniority list,HM promotion list,DEEO promotion list,DEO promotion list and many more available here...Upsc,Tnpsc,TRB,Tntet,Bank Clerical,SBI Recruitment,VAO.Exam,IAS,IPS,IFSC,GPAT,MAT,SLET,TOEFL,CET,ENGINEERING,M.B.B.S,B.Ed,all U.G programmes and all P.G.programmes model question papers and study materials and answer keys are available.

aeeo counselling 2012

aeeo counselling 2012,aeeo panel second list 2012The director of elementary education today gave a letter to all DEEO es related to AEEO revised panel list( 211 to 250) and also about AEEO transfer counseling (letter no 011649/I2/2012 dated 19.06.2012).And another letter(letter 37735/I2/2010 dated 19.06.2012) about Middle H.M to AEEO post.This list is prepared except 34 direct AEEO posts.AEEO transfer counseling : 23.06.2012 at 10.00 A.MPlace : The Elementary Directorate, Chennai - 6Middle H.M to AEEO : 24.06.2012 at 10.00 A.MPlace : The Elementary Directorate, Chennai - 6for more detailsaeeo panel list tamilnadu aeeo transfer counsell...

entrance exams 2012

entrance exams 2012,entrance exams 2012 notificationsThe new year 2012 will come very shortly.tamilnadu results website wish all readers for very good beginning in all fields.Now we remind you the last dates of entrance exams in January 2012 from important educational institutes.entrance exams 2012 notifications follows...Masters in Education at the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad graduate and join the day of admission: January 8.Sainik school entrance exam to join the sixth grade and ninth day of classes: January 8.Masters in Education at the AIIMS in Delhi to attend medical courses entrance test held on: January 8. Education at the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad on the day of admission to the Bachelor's degree courses: January 7.In Hyderabad, the National Institute of...

civil service exam results 2012

civil service exam results 2012,ias exam results 2012,ips exam results 2012Anna IAS academy decided to conduct IAS , IPS , TNPSC Group 1 and 2 free training for all students who will eager to write those examinations.IAS,IPS exam will be held on First week of june 2012.All under graduates are eligible to write those examinations.Free coaching class will start from 07.01.2012.Full time classes , morning and evening classes and also Saturday , Sunday classes are available.for Admission for these free coaching classes , you will need to send money order or DD for Rs 100 in the name of 'Anna IAS academy' within the last date (28.12.2012)AddressAnna IAS academy,No 8,2 IInd street,New colony,Adambakkam,Chennai - 88phone: 98402 59611for more detailscivil service exam results 2012ias training centres...

aeeo panel second list 2017 -2018

 Flash news: AEEO seniority list 2017 - 2018 published....  If you have font problem , first download the document and view it.. aeeo panel 2017 - 2018 new AEEO seniority list 2017 - 2...

tndte results 2017 - 2018

Flash news : tndte results 2017 - 2018 will be published shortly.. server is very busy so try again and again, you will see your results very surely!!!! tndte result,, of technical education is now publishing the tndte diploma results 2017 - 2018. so you can not view the home page of tndte ( are updating all data in to their tndte website. so please wait for your lucky results. results may be published very soon..polytechnic results 2017 - 2018 will published also through the following websites..for more details  tndte results quick link new****  tndte results main link  tamilnadu diploma results 2017 from results available here!!! polytechnic results 2017 from tndte...

hsc results 2012

hsc results 2012,+2 results 2012plus two public exam 2012 time table is now ( 16.12.2011 ) announced.The directorate of examination is published the time table of hsc 2012 public examination.exam will start on 08.03.2012exam will end on 30.03.2012+2 time table :March 8 - Tamil first paperMarch 9 - Tamil second paperMarch 12 - English first paperMarch 13 - English second paperMarch 16 - Physics,Economics,psychologyMarch 19 - Mathematics,Zoology,Micro-biology,Nutrition and dieteticsMarch 20 - Commerce,Home science,GeographyMarch 22 - Chemistry,Accountancy,Short handMarch 26 - Biology,History,Botany,Basic science,Business mathematicsMarch 28 - Communicative English,Indian culture,Computer science, Bio-Chemistry,Special language test, type...

bharathiar university b.ed results 2012

bharathiar university b.ed results 2012,bharathiar university b.ed entrance resultsbharathiar university is now announced b.ed entrance examination 2012 for this can study through distance education in this university.eligibility : any ug degree or pg degree and also working as as a teacher at a school for 2 years.application is issuing from 12.12.2011The last date for receiving filled application is 28.02.2012you can get application by post or download from official website of bharathiar university ( )cost of application is Rs 500Entrance examination will be conducted on 25.03.2012for more detailsbharathiar university b.ed results 2...

cmat 2012 results

cmat 2012 results,aicte cmat 2012The common management aptitude test 2012 is important for MBA admission in India.This cmat 2012 exam will be conducted through online only. cmat 2012 registration window will open on 09.12.2011 and closed on 09.01.2012.cmat 2012 colleges will apply online through based test dates : 20.02.2012 to 28.02.2012time : 9.30 A.M to 12.30 P.M and 2.30 P.M to 5.30 P.Mcmat 2012 results will be published on 11.03.2012you can print out the score cards from 11.03.2012 to 11.04.2012for more detailscmat 2012 registrationcmat 2012 resu...

middle to high school upgrading

middle to high school upgrading,high school hm promotion tamilnaduFlash news :Tamilnadu government (Education Department) is published a government order related to upgrading corporation/municipal/high school into Higher secondary school for the year of 2016 - 2017.Here they give name list of 50 upgraded schools by district wise.for more detailsupgraded higher secondary schools tamil na...

teachers selection list

teachers selection list,teachers selection results Flash news :  Because of the court cases , the pg selection list 2016 - 2017  delayed for long days. But they rectified one by one. So we will expect the revised list very soon.. pg assistant selection list...

secondary grade teachers certificate verification

secondary grade teachers certificate verification,secondary grade teachers seniority list now issued 1:5 seniority list (9300 candidates) for the posts of 1734 second grade teachers.The dates of certificate verification for the teachers are 3.11.2011 and 4.11.2011It is held in all district head quartettes.list of certificates to be submitted in this verification interview follows..1, Transfer certificate2, Employment card3, priority certificates ( for priority candidates only) 40% for disabled certified by civil surgeon4, community certificate ( father's name must for ladies)5, character certificatefor more detailsseniority...

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