Flash news : TNPSC will update junior assistants over all ranking and draftsman over all
ranking and field surveyor over all ranking every day at the end of the day of counselling..
TNPSC published group 4 results 2018 - 2019 for the posts of junior assistants and typists.
They published overall ranking and communal ranking.
They also announce tnpsc group 4 junior assistant certificate verification date and tnpsc group 4 typist certificate verification date.
tnpsc group 4 counselling 2018 - 2019 will start soon...
tnpsc group 4 certificate verification 2018 - 2019
TNPSC published group 4 results 2018 - 2019 for the posts of junior assistants and typists.
They published overall ranking and communal ranking.
They also announce tnpsc group 4 junior assistant certificate verification date and tnpsc group 4 typist certificate verification date.
tnpsc group 4 counselling 2018 - 2019 will start soon...
tnpsc group 4 certificate verification 2018 - 2019