part time teachers in tamilnadu,special teacher seniority list
In government schools there are 16549 part time teachers will be appointed soon.
The interview of special teachers will be postponed for a week. Because there is no seniority lists received from all district's employment exchanges.
But interview will be completed within the second week of January..
for more details
seniority cut-off date for teachers
state seniority list of special teachers and part time teachers
District wise employment seniority list of special teachers and Part time teachers
special teachers seniority list 2016
part time teachers recruitment results
state seniority list of special teachers and part time teachers
part time teachers in tamilnadu
In government schools there are 16549 part time teachers will be appointed soon.
The interview of special teachers will be postponed for a week. Because there is no seniority lists received from all district's employment exchanges.
But interview will be completed within the second week of January..
for more details
seniority cut-off date for teachers
state seniority list of special teachers and part time teachers
District wise employment seniority list of special teachers and Part time teachers
special teachers seniority list 2016
part time teachers recruitment results
state seniority list of special teachers and part time teachers
part time teachers in tamilnadu