tanuvas results 2012,tanuvas.ac.in result
tamilnadu veterinary and animal sciences university is offered four under graduate courses namely B.V.Sc & A.H , B.F.Sc , B.Tech (Food processing technology) , B.Tech(poultry production technology).
TANUVAS is also offered PG courses namely M.V.Sc , M.F.Sc , Ph.D(veterinary) and Ph.D(Fisheries).
tanuvas.tn.nic.in also gives variety types of Postgraduate Diploma Courses and M.Phil. in Biotechnology.
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tanuvas results 2012
tamilnadu veterinary and animal sciences university is offered four under graduate courses namely B.V.Sc & A.H , B.F.Sc , B.Tech (Food processing technology) , B.Tech(poultry production technology).
TANUVAS is also offered PG courses namely M.V.Sc , M.F.Sc , Ph.D(veterinary) and Ph.D(Fisheries).
tanuvas.tn.nic.in also gives variety types of Postgraduate Diploma Courses and M.Phil. in Biotechnology.
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tanuvas results 2012