All results in one website ! ! ! ! !

Tamilnadu results site publishes all state boards,matriculation,Anglo-Indian,CBSC,ICSC both 12th results and 10th results and all university results as much as quickly.We give,,, for 10th results and 12th for 12th and 10th supplementary results.we give annamalai university dde results 2016,ignou b.ed results,tnteu results, tndte results,madras university results( unom results),anna university results,bharathiar university results,periyar university results, thiruvalluvar university results,bharathidasan university results,alagappa university results, mgr university results,tnou results,tamil university results,tndalu results,mku results,tntet results,pg trb results,tnpsc group 4 results,tnpsc group 2 results,tnpsc group 1 results,mbbs results,tnusrb results,ctet results,all university b.ed entrance results,schools9 results, south india results, squarebrothers results,webdunia results,vao results,lab assistant selection results,AEEO seniority list,HM promotion list,DEEO promotion list,DEO promotion list and many more available here...Upsc,Tnpsc,TRB,Tntet,Bank Clerical,SBI Recruitment,VAO.Exam,IAS,IPS,IFSC,GPAT,MAT,SLET,TOEFL,CET,ENGINEERING,M.B.B.S,B.Ed,all U.G programmes and all P.G.programmes model question papers and study materials and answer keys are available.

12th supplementary result 2013

12th supplementary result 2013,12th supplementary result 2013 tamilnadu

TN government will publish the 12th supplementary exam results 2013 in the first week of august 2013.

All arrangements of valuation are nearly finished.

You can view your results as quick as possible from our site.

for more details

hsc & 10 th results link 2 quick results

12th results from webdunia

pallikkalvi .inpage for hsc sslc results

10th supplementary results 2012

10th supplementary results 2012,10th supplementary results 2012 tamilnadu

10th supplementary results 2012 ( 10th instant exam results 2012 ) will be published today ( 17.08.2012) at 4.00 p.m

You can get your results by name wise , School wise and district wise.

We give many links to view your results. So you can never quit from our site without results.

And we give what kind of studies available for your shining future.

We Analise all types of colleges and institutions , which of one is good.

10th supplementary results 2012

10th results 2012 tamilnadu 3rd link

10th results sites ( Mobile Compatible )

Renew your employment Registration Online

10 th results from chennai vision

10th results from dinamalar

10th results 2012 from south india results

10th results from chennai online

10th results from dinakaran

10th results from school9

10th result 2012 from

10thresultsfrom webdunia

10th results 2012

pallikkalvi .inpage for hsc sslc results

Renew your employment Registration Online

vao hall ticket 2012

vao hall ticket 2012,tnpsc vao hall ticket download

TNPSC will conduct VAO Recruitment exam 30.09.2012.

The last date of applying online is on 10.08.2012.

The last date of paying exam fee through bank or post office is on 14.08.2012.

You can download your tnpsc vao exam hall ticket through our site very quickly.

The link of vao exam hall ticket will open very soon. keep in touch!!

for more details

vao hall ticket 2012

annamalai university dde results may 2012

annamalai university dde results may 2012,annamalai university results

Annamalai University will publish the results of distance education for both pg and ug courses very soon. we will expect annamalai university results 2012 in the first week of august or in the second week.

All candidates eagerly waiting for the results.

Tamilnadu results website give many links for this results.

You can view your results from one of our links surely!!!

for more details

annamalai university dde results may 2012

annamalai university distance education results 2012 from schools 9 results 2012

annamalai university results 2012 from kalvimalar results 2012



TNTEU (Tamilnadu Teacher Education University) valuated b.ed papers within this week.

So we will expect tnteu b.ed results 2012 in the first week of august 2012 or in the second week.

Tamilnadu results website( will publish the tnteu bed results as quick as possible.

All arrangements are nearly completed.

You can view your results even in this week too..

for more details

tnteu results 2012 results 2012

secondary grade teachers promotion list

secondary grade teachers promotion list,bt promotion list tamilnadu

DSE (Department of School Education) will conduct promotion counselling for secondary grade teachers who are working in high school and higher secondary school from 30.07.2012.

Today (27.07.2012) bt promotion panel list 2012 for Tamil, English,Maths,Science and Social science(history) teachers.

You can view your rank and seniority list by subject wise from our site (

for more details

bt panel list for tamil

bt panel list for english

bt panel list for maths

bt panel list for science

bt panel list for social science

trb pg results

trb pg results,trb pg assistant 2013 results

TRB is today (07.10.2013) published the results of pg assistants.
You can view your results by putting your number in the below links

for more details

trb pg results

trb home page


tntet rank list 2016 and tntet weightage 2016

Flash news :tntet subject wise and community wise and
differently abled rank lists prepared by trb for nearly
1675 postings for teachers published...

tntet rank list for teachers

subject and community wise vacancy list

G.o for revised weightage

We can expect ,there is a change in weightage for secondary grade teachers , trb may be decided to select from weightage marks.Details of weightage for assistant teachers (new****) 
They will appoint from the weightage .
We give the latest news about selection list of new system
Weightage is given to both secondary grade and graduate teachers.

teachers transfer counselling 2012

teachers transfer counselling 2012,transfer counselling teachers

Flash news : tet selection list will be published 


10394 secondary grade teachers passed

8849 bt assistants passed.

please stay with us ... we publish the tntet results ...

Tamilnadu government conducted transfer counselling for both elementary education and school education teachers from 13.07.2012 to 31.07.2012.

Don't confuse with secondary grade teacher to bt assistant promtion(School education) and secondary grade teacher to bt promotion(Elementary education)

Secondary grade teachers to bt promotion(Elementary) work finished on 21.07.2012 (yesterday).

Secondary grade teachers to bt promotion(School education) will be conducted from 30.07.2012 to 31.07.2012.

we give the details of counselling schedule for both in below links

teachers transfer counselling 2012 for school education (date and place)

Secondary grade teachers to bt promotion list in tamil(School education)

brte to bt assistants seniority list (School education)

transfer counselling 2012
for elementary education (date and place)

deployment and transfer norms for elementary education

letter no:13275/E1/2012 dated 23.07.2012

deployment proceedings and need list

tnpsc group 1 hall ticket 2012

tnpsc group 1 hall ticket 2012,tnpsc group 1 hall ticket download

TNPSC is now opened a link(tnpsc hall ticket download 2012) for group 1 exam writing candidates.

TNPSC is growing and get publicity by giving many recruitment and it's quick results.

Today (21.07.2012) they published group 1 hall tickets.

You can download your hall tickets from our site ( very quickly.

We will give TNPSC VAO hall tickets 2012 (vao hall tickets 2012) soon..

for more details

tnpsc group 1 hall ticket 2012

tnpsc group 1 hall ticket download

tnusrb police selection results 2016 - 2017


flash news : tnusrb police selection results 2016 - 2017 is published just now ... 

TNUSRB is now published the results of Combined Recruitment of Gr. II Police Constables/Gr. II Jail Warders/Firemen - 2016 today
You can view your results from our tamilnadu results site very quickly..

for more details

flash news : tnusrb results 2016 - 2017 is published just now ....

tnusrb results 2012

tnusrb results 2012,tamilnadu uniform service recruitment board results 2012
flash news : tnusrb results published just now (12.10.2012)tnusrb results The results of Combined Recruitment of Gr. II Police Constables/Gr. II Jail Warders/Firemen - 2012 is announced from TNUSRB

You can view your results and cut - off marks from our site easily.

for more details

flash news : tnusrb results published just now (12.10.2012)

tnusrb results 2012

tet psychology answer key

tet psychology answer key,tet revised answer key 2012 published TET key answer for paper I except psychology (30 questions) from appolo coaching centre.

Today(17.07.2012) They updated psychology questions too.

so you can verify your answer easily by clicking the following link very quickly.

TRB decided to conduct TNTET 2012 again in December.

We expect more changes in tet tamilnadu 2012 exam surely.

The official TNTET answer will be published in one or two weeks.

for more details

tet psychology answer key

trb answer key 2013

Flash news : tntet official answer key published  today just now (27.08.2013)  tntet results 2013 may be published in September 2013.
trb tet answer key 2013,tet answer key 2013


TRB conducted TET exam (Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test) on 17th august 2013 and 18th august 2013.

Nearly 6,00,000 candidates wrote this tntet exam.

we give subject wise tntet keys from trb , you can view easily and quickly....
best of luck!!!!

tntet answer key  from updated new(published just now)**** official key from 3.00p.m(27.08.2013) onwards..
tet key answer from kalvisolai

tet paper II key answer from puthiya vidiyal

 tet answer key 2013 from NR IAS academy

tet paper I and II key from success academy

tntet key answer from vidiyal coaching centre

tntet answer key from sai coaching center

 tet key answer from apolo study center

trb official site

mgr university results 2016 - 2017

mgr university results 2016,mgr medical university results 2016

Dr.M.G.R university is situated in chennai.

Here you can study medical courses like MBBS , BSMS and many other medical related courses.

In this university , you can study Allied Health sciences and Diploma in medical sciences.

Tamilnadu results site will publish all mgr university related results as quick as published.

Now a days the official website is not working properly , but it will be rectified very soon.

for more details

Mgr university results 2016 - 2017

mgr university results 2016 link 2

trb pg results 2016 - 2017

trb pg results,trb pg assistant 2016 - 2017 results
TRB will publish the provisional list of pg assistants.
You can view your results by putting your number in the below links

for more details

trb pg results 2016 - 2017

trb home page


bharathiar university results 2016 - 2017

bharathiar university results 2016,bharathiar university dde results 2017

Bharathiar university is one of the best university in tamilnadu.

It is the only one university to got permission to conduct SLET ( State level eligibility test) in tamilnadu.

SLET is conducted for lecturers to eligible to teach any other universities.

This year many graduates wrote this examination.

SLET results 2016 (state level eligibility test results 2016) will be published very soon from the official website of bharathiar university(

for more details

bharathiar university results 2016

bharathiar university dde results 2016 from kalvimalar results 2016

deployment for tamilnadu teachers

deployment for tamilnadu teachers,g.o 270 dated 10.07.2012 for deployment

A government order issued related to deployment for teachers fromTamilnadu Education department today 11.07.2012.

The transfer counselling for teachers(Elementary) start from 21.07.2012.

Before that deployment norms are released from the Education department.

Here we give the pdf copy of this government order , you can find all details from it.

for more details

deployment for tamilnadu teachers

tntet answer key 2016 - 2017

tntet answer key 2016 - 2017,answer key for tntet 2016 - 2017

tntet key answer published from our site...

 you should have tamil baamini font for convenient viewing!!!

TRB key published ...

we give subject wise tntet keys from trb , you can view easily and quickly....

best of luck!!!!

We give revised key daily, by getting your objection about some wrong questions.

Today we give revised key of paper I and paper II

Any way you can take final decision only by viewing official keys of TRB.

TRB key will be uploaded next week.  

Nearly 6,50,000 candidates are writing this eligibility test this year.

Our websites ( , will publish the TET TAMILNADU 

ANSWER KEY as quick as possible.

for more details

 tntet answer key 2016 - 2017

tet answer key 2012

tet answer key 2012,trb tet answer key 2012

TRB key published today (20.10.12)

we give subject wise tntet keys from trb , you can view easily and quickly....
best of luck!!!!

trb tet key psychology paper I

trb tet key tamil paper I

trb tet key english paper I

trb tet key maths paper I

trb tet key EVS paper I

trb tet key psychology paper II

trb tet key tamil paper II

trb tet key english paper II

trb tet key maths and science paper II

trb tet key social science paper II

 you should have tamil baamini font for convenient viewing!!!

  tet answer key for paper II from appolo study centre

 tet answer key from nr ias academy

Nearly 6,50,000 candidates are writing this eligibility test this year.

Our websites ( , will publish the TET TAMILNADU 

ANSWER KEY as quick as possible.

for more details

 tet answer key for paper II from appolo study centre

tet answer key from nr ias academy

tnpsc vao model question paper

tnpsc vao model question paper,tnpsc group 4 model question paper

TNPSC is now enriched and give new announcement day by day.

So all are eager to write all recruitment exams from TNPSC.

They search all types model questions through websites. and are publishing variety types of questions everyday.

From these serial today (10.07.2012) we give vao model question papers from our site.

You can find all types model questions for free of cost.

for more details

tnpsc vao model question paper

tnpsc group 4 model question paper

vao online registration

vao online registration,tnpsc vao online registration

TNPSC is ready to face another race after the race of himalya(TNPSC GROUP 4).

TNPSC announced VAO Recruitment 2016 - 2017 ( Advertisement no : 425/2015 dated 12.11.2015).

Number of vacancies : 813

Last date of submitting application form : 14.12.2015

Last date for paying exam fee from Bank or post office : 16.12.2015

Date of VAO examination 2016 : 14.02.2016 at 10.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M

for more details

vao online registration

tnpsc vao model question paper

tnpsc answer key

tnpsc answer key,tnpsc group 4 answer key 2012

Tnpsc group 4 exam 2012 answer keys will be uploaded very soon..( in a few minutes )

Here we give the unofficial tnpsc group 4 key answers 2012.New..

But official key answers will be uploaded in TNPSC website very shortly....

for more details

 below are word documents for vao key new***

TNSPC VAO Sep-2012 General Tamil + GK

TNPSC VAO Sep-2012 General English + GK

vao answer key (English + G K)

 vao answer key ( G.Tamil + GK)

vao answer key from NR IAS academy

vao answer key from tnpsc official site

tnpsc key answer link 1

Tnpsc group 4 general english key

Tnpsc group 4 general knowledge key

Tnpsc group 4 general knowledge key

tnpsc group 4 question and answer
tnpsc answer key link 2

tnpsc group 4 answer key 2012

tnpsc group 8 answer key 2016 - 2017

tnpsc group 8 answer key,tnpsc group 8 questions and answers

TNPSC group 8 exams is conducting today evening ..

Nearly 12,00,000 candidates are writing this exam today for 10,793 vacancies.

TNPSC chairman face very big challenge by conducting this record recruitment.

After the end of this exam(tnpsc group 8) , the results(tnpsc group 8 results 2016 - 2017) will be published in forty days.

Before that , the tnpsc key answer will published in the official website of TNPSC (,( and websites will publish those tnpsc group 8 key 2016 - 2017( tnpsc question and answer)as quick as possible.

for more details

answer keys will be uploaded very soon..( in a few minutes )
tnpsc group 8 answer key 2016 - 2017

tnpsc group 8 question and answer

tnpsc answer key link 2

tnpsc group 8 answer key

tnpsc group 4 answer key 2016 - 2017

Flash news : tnpsc group 4 answer key published just now ..

Nearly 14,00,000 candidates are writing tnpsc group 4 exam 2016 - 2017 for the posts of 5500 place in various tamilmadu government offices.
TNPSC arranged 244 centers and 4775 rooms. website gave tet answer key last week.
we also ready to give tnpsc group 4 answer key 2016 from many websites.

 tnpsc official key general english new***

tnpsc official key general studies new***

tnpsc official key tamil new***

tnpsc group 4 answer key
(tnpsc official key)

tnpsc key answer from NR IAS academy **** published just now..

tnpsc group 4 answer key 2016 from radian

vidiyal tnpsc group 4 answer key

tnpsc answer key from success academy

suresh ias academy tnpsc group 4 answer key

tnpsc group 4 key answer from apollo academy

group 4 key answer from kalvisolai

madras university ug results 2016 - 2017

Flash news :unom ug results 2016 - 2017  published from here..
Madras university will publish the ug results 2016 of unom very shortly...
You can view your results by entering your register number in several links given by our tamilnadu results site.,,B.B.A,B.B.M and ( C.S) and more results of chennai university 2016 results are published.

The results are published from the official site of UNOM


server is busy please try again and again!!!!

for more details

 unom ug and pg results november quick link try again if not loaded

madras university ug result 2016 from kalvimalar results

university of madras results 2016 from schools 9 results 

madras university ug results 2016

madras university results 2016 from

unom ug results 2016 webdunia results 2016

madras university ug results 2016 from southindia results 2016

special police youth force exam answer key 2016 - 2017

special police youth force exam answer key 2016 - 2017, tnusrb question answer

TNUSRB (tamilnadu uniformed services recruitment board) is now published the question and answers(police exam questions and answers) for last police selection examination today..
But because of heavy traffic no one can visit the official site of tnusrb (

So please wait for normal, you will find the question papers soon...

for more details

as on today (below link) new***

 Answer Key for tnsyb first link

special police youth force exam answer key 2016 - 2017 new**

bharathidasan university results 2016 - 2017

bharathidasan university results 2016 - 2017,bharathidasan university dde results 2016 - 2017

Bharathidasan university is situated in Trichy. It gives regular and DDE courses for all subjects.

In distance education they conduct B.Ed programme and M.B.A and M.C.A courses.

In research education they give Ph.D and M.Phill programme.

You can view your results from the official site (

Tamilnadu results website gives many links for the results of Bharathidasan university.

for more details

bharathidasan university results 2016 - 2017

home page

transfer counselling for teachers

transfer application for teachers,teachers transfer application tamilnadu

Flash news 
A government order issued related to deployment for teachers fromTamilnadu Education department today .

The transfer counselling for teachers(Elementary) starts next week.

Before that deployment norms are released from the Education department.

Here we give the pdf copy of this government order , you can find all details from it.

for more details

Elementary director ordered and issued the transfer norms and transfer application form for teachers for elementary education today..

We give applications for both elementary education and school education.

The last date for handed over the filled applications to AEO and AEEO is announced soon..

for more details

transfer application for teachers (for elementary education)

transfer application for teachers ( for school education)


Search engine for other Universities